The Crosby Community Association (CCA) was formed in 1994 to serve the need of the people of Crosby, in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire. Initially intended to serve the local residents in Crosby, it became apparent that our help was needed across the whole of North Lincolnshire.
Our centre is based at 105 – 107 Frodingham Road, Scunthorpe, from where we provide a range of services to the community. These include advice on welfare rights issues, benefits, debt, housing issues and providing a drop in centre.
The centre is managed by our Centre Manager who reports to a elected Board of Directors, who are all volunteers. The Association is a Company Limited by Guarantee and has a charitable status.
The intention of the Association is to continue to deliver and improve current services where there is demand, whilst carrying out ongoing research to establish the level of demand for new services.
The Association operated originally from the home of one of the founder members. Initially it acted as a campaigning organisation and was proactive on behalf of the community against Anglian Water Authorities intention to introduce water meters to the homes of the people of Crosby without prior consultation. The Association was successful and the positive outcome gave impetus to further develop its role to provide a service to individuals as well as the community.
The subsequent increase in demand for the association’s services led to external funding being sought. A successful application to the Lottery (Community Fund) for £250,000.00 enabled the then Management Committee to purchase the Associations current premises, which are located over two floors. All necessary facilities to render the building fully accessible were incorporated when the building was taken over.
In 2004, the CCA purchased the building adjacent to the present premises, such was the demand for the space necessary to ensure the clients privacy and confidentiality. This was via a loan through the Local Investment Fund. In February 2004, funding was granted from Hull City Venture to build a training room and extra office space at the rear of the 105-107 Frodingham Road. This extra space is essential for both the CCA and the charities based within the building.
The Association works on the basis of training and social awareness of both volunteers and employees and all our policies, on all aspects of our procedures and management are set out in our office manual. The CCA has grown beyond all recognition and continues to deliver a Welfare Rights and Debt Management service of repute that is free at the point of need. The Association is also internally audited to check for quality and quantity, with regular client satisfaction surveys.
The Veronica De Souza Drop in Centre is within the building along with the shop sells recycled goods. This helps to provide a steady income for the company. We also run a 17 seat minibus, which can be hired by the general public and is used to provide day trips to the community.
The CCA premises are also home to other charitable organisations that rent space within our centre. Currently we have Re-think, who help people affected by mental health issues. We also hire out our conference room for Neighbourhood Actions Teams and other charitable groups. Another source of income for the company is derived from renting out shop space to a local grocery store.